
Felted Wool Collars

A felted collar is a meaningful piece of ancient craft and a majestic piece of garment. Strictly cruelty free slow fashion made by hand to make you feel centered, strong, warm, wild yet graceful. No two sheep or their shorn fleeces are the same, thus each collar a unique, one of a kind piece of wearable art.

Resultaat 1–8 van de 53 resultaten wordt getoond

Arts & Cræfts

Illustrations, (wearable) prints & handmade or home designed craeft tools.

Wild Wool & Slow Fashion

Woven, knitted, needle bound and stitched slow fashion, originating or inspired by historical textiles, made with handspun or naturally dyed natural yarn.

Toont alle 3 resultaten


Dajana Heremic

Beleid & Zorg

© 2022 Dajana Heremic. All content created by the artist.