
Lectori salutem! A list of much loved & recommended reading, watching & listening.


Wild & Sacred Feminine 

Women’s Cyclical Wisdom, Health & Power

Ecofeminism – Carol J. Adams  
Women Who Run With The Wolves – Clarissa Pnkola Estés  ☽
Daughters of Copper Woman – Anne Cameron  ☽
Kissing the Hag – Emma Restall Orr  ☽
Women’s Work – Elizabeth Wayland Barber  ☽
Yoni Shakti – Uma Dinsmore-Tuli  ☽
Sacred House – Carolyn Hillyer  ☽
Weavers Oracle – Carolyn Hillyer  ☽
Book of Hag – Carolyn Hillyer  ☽
The Motherline – Naomi Ruth Lowinsky Ph.D
The Womens Wheel of Life – Elizabeth Davis & Carol Leonard
The Way of All Women – M. Esther Harding
Womens Bodies, Womens Wisdom – Christiane Northrup
If Women Rose Rooted – Sharon Blackie
13 Original Grandmothers – Jamie Sams
Burning Woman – Lucy Pearce
Women Who Fly – Serenity Young  ☽
Het vergeten weten – Sifra Nooter
Witches, Sluts & Feminists – Kristen J. Sollée  ☽
Witches, Midwives and Nurses – Barbara Ehrenreich
Our Lady Of the Dark Country – Sylcia V. Lindsteadt
Belonging – Toko-Pa Turner  
Woman as Healer – Jeanne Achetberg
Medicine Woman – Lucy H. Pearce
When the Drummers were Women – Layne Redmond
Wild & Wise – Amy Bammel Wilding
Peace-Weavers & Shield-Maidens – Kathleen Herbert  ☽
Love Your Lady Landscape – Lisa Lister
Vagina – Naomi Wolf
Vrouwelijk manifest – 
Maitreyi D. Piontek
Full Curcle Health – Lucy Pearce
Alles draait om je hormomen – Rineke Dijkinga
The Optimized Woman – Miranda Gray
Hygieia – Janine Parvati
The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets – Barbara G. Walker
Sacred Circles – Robin Carnes
Wild Feminine – Tami Lynn Kent
Feminisme ou le Mort – Françoise d´Eaubonne
Women & Animals – Carol J. Adams  ☽
Awakening to Kali – Sally Kempton
Cunt – Inga Muscio

Menstrual Cycle & Fertility

Wild Power – Alexandra Pope & S.H. Wurlitzer  ☽
Moon mysteries – Nikiah Seeds & Nao Sims
Dochters van de maan – Annemarie Peters
Moontime – Lucy Pearce
Blood magic – Thomas Buckley & Alma Gottlieb
Blood Relations – Chris Knight  ☽
Yoni Shakti – Uma Dinsmore-Tuli  ☽
Her Blood is Gold – Lara Owen
Red Moon – Miranda Gray
Code Red – Lisa Lister
The Optimized Woman – Miranda Grey
Women’s Code – Alisa Vitti
In the FLO – Alisa Vitti
Thirteen Moons – Jane Hardwicke Collings
4 Seasons in 4 Weeks – Suzanne Mathis McQueen
Taking Charge of Your Fertility – Toni Weschler
Anticonceptie als tijdloos probleem – J. Wesselius & J. M. Hollander
Sacred Sexuality – A. T. Mann & Jane Lyle


First Moon, Welcome to Womanhood – Anke Mai
Reaching for the Moon – Lucy Pearce  ☽
Becoming – a Woman – Jane Hardwicke Collings
A Time to Celebrate – Joan Morais
First Blood – Sally Dammery
Moon Mother, Moon Daughter – Janet Lucy & Terri Allison  ☽
The Seven Sacred Rites of Menarche – Kristi Meisenbach Boylan
Becoming Peers – DeAnna L’Am
Menarche, a Journey Into Womanhood – Rachael Hertogs



Pregnancy & Birth

Spiritul Midwifery – Ina May Gaskin
Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth – Ina May Gaskin  ☽
Birthing from Within – Rob Horowitz & Pam England  ☽
Bevallen op eigen krcaht – Wendy Schouten
Birth in Focus – Ina May Gaskin & Becky Reed
Ten Moons – Jane Hardwicke Collings
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering – Sarah Buckley  ☽
Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful – Gurmukh
Yoga en Geboorte – Rita Beintema
The Thinking Woman’s Guide to a Better Birth – Henci Goer
Heart & Hands, a guide to midwifery – Elizabeth Davis  ☽
The Doula Book – Klaus, Klaus & Kennell
Birth Partner – Penny Simkin
Ancient Map for Modern Birth – Pam England
A-Z For a Healthy Pregnancy & Natural Childbirth – Jacky Bloemraad-De Boer
The Heart of the Doula – Amy Gilliland
Labor Progress Handbook – Penny Simkin & Ruth Ancheta


 Motherhood & Parenting

The Moods of Motherhood – Lucy Pearce
The Rainbow Way – Lucy Pearce
The Awakened Family – Shefali Tsabary
Wij in het wild – Andrea Hejlskov
The Motherline – Naomi Ruth Lowinsky  ☽
Discovering the Inner Mother – Bethany Webster  ☽
Body Full of Stars – Molly Caro May  ☽
Newborn Mothers – Julia Jones
The Fourth Trimester – Kimberly Ann Johnson
Revive, Reclaim, Restore – Layla B. Rachid
The First Forty Days – Amely Greeven
Mother Nature | Moederschap – Sarah Blaffer Hrdy  ☽


Free To Learn – Peter Grey  ☽
The Continuum Concept – Jean Liefdloff  ☽
Het gedwongen onderwijs voorbij – Peter Hartkamp
Home Grown – Ben Hewitt
Unschooled – Kerry McDonald
Conscious Parenting – Shefali Tsabary
The Awakened Family – Shefali Tsabary
Elevating Childcare – Janet Lansbury
Unconditional Parenting- Alfie Kohn
How to Love a Child – Janusz Korczak
Last Child in the Woods – Richard Louv


The Elder

Book of Hag – Carolyn Hillyer  ☽
The Wisdom of Menopause – Dr. Christiane Northrup
Myths & Stories of the The Dangerous Old Woman – Clarissa Pinkola Estés:
          The Dangerous Old Woman (Volume I)
          The Power of the Crone (Volume II)   ☽
          The Joyous Body (Volume III)  ☽
          The Late Bloomer (Volume IV)
          How to Be an Elder (Volume V)  ☽
Dansende grootmoeders – Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Sacred House – Carolyn Hillyer  ☽
Weavers Oracle – Carolyn Hillyer  ☽
The Motherline – Naomi Ruth Lowinsky Ph.D  ☽
The Womens Wheel of Life – Elizabeth Davies & Carol Leonard
13 Original Grandmothers – Jamie Sams


Goddess Worship & the Matriarchy

Lady of the Beasts – Buffie Johnson  ☽
Vrouw Holle en de verborgen wijsheid in sprookjes – Annine van der Meer
Goddess Holle – Garden Stone  ☽
Artemis – Sorita D’Este
Hekate – Sorita D’Este
The Motherline – Naomi Ruth Lowinsky Ph.D.  ☽
Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe – Marija Gimbutas  ☽
The Once and Future Goddess – Elinor Gadon
Seven Daughters of Eve – Bryan Sykes  ☽
Venus is geen vamp – Annine van der Meer
The Ancient Brittish Goddess – Kathy Jones
When God Was a Woman – Merlin Stone
Summoning The Fates – ZsuZsana E. Budapest
Tantric Kali – Daniel Odier  ☽
De Godin – Shahrukh Husain
The Chalice and the Blade – Riane Eisler  ☽
Goddess in the Grass – Linda Foubister  ☽

Dark Feminine

Dancing in the flames – Marion Woodman & Elinor Dickson  ☽
Journey to the dark goddess – Jane Meredith  ☽
Het boek Lilith – Rosa Wouters
Mysteries of the Dark Moon – Demetra George
Kissing The Hag – Emma Restall Orr  ☽
Women Who Run With The Wolves – Clarissa Pnkola Estés  ☽
Burning Woman – Lucy Pearce
Witches, Sluts & Feminismt – Kristen J. Sollée  ☽
Cat Call – Kristen J. Sollée
Witch Hunt – Kristen J. Solleé


Further on the Dark

Trauma, Depression & Shadowwork

Feeding Your Demons – Tsultrim Allione  ☽
Cutting Through Fear – Tsultrim Allione
Longing For Darkness – China Galland  ☽
The Fruitfull Darkness – Joan Halifax  ☽
Standing At The Edge – Joan Halifax
In an Unspoken Voice – Peter A. Levine  ☽
Het drama van het begaafde kind – Alice Miller
Scattered Minds – Gabor Maté
Touched by Fire – Kay Redfield Jamison
Pema Chödrön:
When Things Fall Apart  ☽
         The Places That Scare You
         Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better
         When Pain is the Doorway  ☽



Night & Dreams

Sprekend nog met de nacht – Mels de Jong
Waking Up to the Dark – Clark  Starnd  ☽
Dream Yoga – Andrew Holecek
Active Dreaming – Robert Moss
Dream On – Sven Goedbloed  ☽


Death & Grief

The Wild Edge of Sorrow – Francis Weller  ☽
Het grote afscheid – Rufus C. Camphausen
Die Wise – Stephen Jenkinson
Being With Deying – Joan Halifax
Griefwalker (Film) – Stephen Jenkinson  ☽
Come of Age – Stepehn Jenkinson


Spirit Work, Magic & The Old Ways

Shamanism, Animism & Rites of Passage

The Woman in The Shaman’s Body – Barabara Tedlock
The Shamanic Way of The Bee – Simon Buxton
Seidr en het Noordse pad – Linda Wormhoudt  ☽
Kind van de wegen (Trilogy) – Linda Wormhoudt
Goden en sjamanen in Noordwest-Europa – Linda Wormhoudt
Prehistoric Belief – Mike Williams  ☽
Animism – Graham Harvey ☽

The Way of The Shaman – Michael Harner  ☽
Sjamanistische rituelen – Daan van Kampenhout
Handboek Sjamanisme – Daan van Kampenhout
De vier richtingen | Four Directions – Daan van Kampenhout
Sacred Hoop Magazine, Special Guide to Shamanism – Nicholas Breeze Wood
Sacred Drums of Siberia – Nicholas Breeze Wood
Shamanic Visioning (Audio) – Sandra Ingerman
Shamanic Journeying – Sandra Ingerman
The Shamanic Journey – Gerry C. Starnes
De Sjamaan – Piers Vitebsky
White Buffalo Woman Comes Singing – Brooke Medicine Eagle
Book of Ceremony – Sandra Ingerman
Soul Retrieval – Sandra Ingerman  ☽
Vader Aarde – Olof Smid
Ancestral Medicine – Daniel Foor  ☽
The Wounded Healer – Jeanne Achterberg
Speaking with Nature – Sandra Ingerman & Llyn Roberts
Plant Spirit Medicine – Eliot Cowan  ☽
Sacred Travel – Katie Weatherup
The Untold History of Healing – Wolf Dieter Storl
Shapeshifting Into Higher Consciousness – Llyn Roberts
Westers sjamanisme en de vision quest – Rob Top
The Rites of Passage – Arnold van Gennep  ☽


Hedgeriding & Witchcraft

The Psychic Witch – Mat Auryn  ☽
A Deed Without a Name – Lee Morgan
Standing and Not Falling – Lee Morgan  ☽
Black Toad – Gemma Gary
Traditional Witchcraft, A Cronish Book Of Ways – Gemma Gary
Spells from the Wise Womans Cottage – Steve Patterson
Witches and Pagans – Max Dashu  ☽
Women Who Fly – Serenity Young  ☽
Hedge Rider – Eric de Vries  ☽
Serpent Songs – Sarah Anne Lawless (et al.)  ☽
Witchcraft & Medicine – Wolf Dieter Storl
Witches, Sluts & Feminists – Kristen J. Sollée  ☽
Seidways – Jan Fries
Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness – Llyn Roberts
The Encyclopedia of Magic & Witchcraft – Susan Greenwood
Witch – Lisa Lister
Witches, Sirens and Soothsayers – Susannah Marriott
Earth Power – Scott Cunningham
Earth, Air, Fire & Water – Scott Cunningham
De Heksen van Breugel – Renilde Vervoort
Compendium van Rituele planten in Europa – Marcel de Cleene & Marie Claire Lejeune  ☽


Moonology – Yasmin Boland
In het licht van de maan – Petra stam & Marja de Zeeuw  ☽
Het grote boek van de maan – Claudia van de Sluis
In harmonie met de maan – Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe


Sun |  Pagan Wheel of the Year

The Stations of the Sun – Ronald Hutton  ☽
De acht jaarfeesten – Joke en Ko Lankester  ☽
In het licht van de maan – Petra stam & Marja de Zeeuw

Earth |  Animals, Plants & The Wild

Braiding Sweetgrass – Robin Wall Kimmerer  ☽
Bear – Wolf Dieter Storl  ☽
Ecofeminism – Carol J. Adams  ☽
Animism – Graham Harvey
The Faithful Gardener – Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Corinne Boyer:  ☽
Under the Bramble Arch
         Under the Witching Tree
         Plants of the Devil
Kiss The Ground – Josh Tikell
Our Wild Calling – Richard Louv
Speaking With Nature – Sandra Ingerman & Llyn Roberts
Compendium van Rituele planten in Europa – Marcel de Cleene & Marie Claire Lejeune  ☽
Jeneverbes – Jan van Ginkel  ☽
The Practice of the Wild – Gary Snyder
The Earth Moved – Amy Steward
Phillip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm:
         The Druid Plant Oracle
         The Druid Animal Oracle
Krachtdieren – Petra Stam
Hidden Life of Trees – Peter Wohlleben
The Inner Life of Animals – Peter Wohlleben
Plants of the Gods – R.E. Schultes, A. Hofmann & C. Rätsch
Een leven met gorilla’s, brieven van Dian Fossey – Camilla De La Dédoyere
Hygieia – Janine Parvati
The Faithful Gardener – Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Groot handboek geneeskrachtige planten – Dr. Geert Verhelst
Het Kruidenboek van Ingrid – Ingrid Kropf  ☽
Plant Spirit Medicine – Eliot Cowan  ☽
Het grote wildplukboek – Edwin Flores
Grown Your Own Drugs – James Wong
The Vegetable Gardener’s Guide to Permaculture – Christopger Shein
Practical Self Sufficiency | Overleven op je eigen km2 – Dick & James Strawbringe
The Earthwise Hebal – Matthew Wood


Mythology & Archetypes

Poetic Edda – Snorri Sturluson
The Prose Edda – Snorri Sturlson
The Mabinogion
Norse Mytholgy – Neil Geimann
Myths of The Norsemen – Roger L. Green
Russische Sprookjes
Lady of the Beasts – Buffie Johnson  ☽
Vrouw Holle en de verborgen wijsheid van het sprookje – A. van der Meer
Goddess Holle – GardenStone  ☽
Artemis – Sorita D’Este
Hekate – Sorita D’Este
The Ancient Brittish Goddess – Kathy Jones
When God Was a Woman – Merlin Stone
Summoning The Fates – ZsuZsana E. Budapest
Goddess in the Grass – Linda Foubister  ☽
Goden en sjamanen in Noordwest-Europa – Linda Wormhoudt
Oerbeelden – Carl Gustav Jung  ☽
The Red Book – Carl Gustav Jung


Living History & Craeft |  Wild Wool, Textile Magic & Reenactment

Women’s Work – Elizabeth Wayland Barber  ☽
Prehistoric Textiles – Elizabeth Wayland Barber  ☽
The Distaff Gospels – Antoine Duval
The Art of Prehistoric Textile – Karina Grömer  ☽
Spinnen met plezier – Tonny Schutten

The Viking Way – Neil Price
Food & Farmin in Prehistoric Britain – Paul Elliot & Phil Carradice  ☽
Ice Age Art & The Bear Cult – Philipp C. Grote
The Horse, The Wheel and Language – David W. Anthony

Prehistoric Belief – Mike Williams  ☽
Kindom of Salt – Anton Kern
Ancient Wanderings – Peter Canton
Heidens Nederland – Judith Schuyf
Heidense heiligdommen – Judith Schuyf


Yoni Shakti – Uma Dinsmore-Tuli  ☽
Zien Door Yoga – Jochem Dijkstra  ☽
Yoga Sutras – Patanjali
Dream Yoga – Andrew Holecek
Yoga Nidra – Richard Miller
Yoga Anatomy – Leslie Kaminoff
Yoga en geboorte – Rita Beintema
Aspecten van Yoga – Vivian Worthington  ☽
Chakra Meditatie – Swami Saradananda
Tantra – Georg Feuerstein
Chakras – Harish Johari

Phylosophy & Ethics

Ecofeminism – Carol J. Adams  ☽
Epictetus –  Discourses  ☽
Living in Honour – Emma Restall Orr
Eating Animals – Jonathan Saffran Foer
A Guide to the Good Life – William B. Irvine
Meditation & The Art of Beekeeping – Mark Magill  ☽
The Untethered Soul – Michael Singer
Happiness Hypothetis – Jonathan Haidt
Ask Baba Yaga – Taisia Kitaiskaia  ☽
The Practice of the Wild – Gary Snyder  ☽
The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron
Make Magic of Your Life – T. Thorne Coyle
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle


Food for Imagination


Mrs. Dalloway – Virginia Woolf  ☽
A Room Of Ones Own – V. Woolf
Pride & Prejudice – Jane Austen  ☽
Mists of Avalon – Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Temple of my Familiar – Alice Walker  ☽
The Color Purple – Alice Walker
Possessing The Secret of Joy – Alice Walker  ☽
Boudica – Manda Scott
Practical Magic – Alice Hoffmann
Terry Pratchett:  ☽
I Shall Wear Midnight
       The Color of Magic
       Equal Rites
       Witches Abroad
       Shepherds Crown
       Wee Free Men
       Wyrd Sisters
       A Hat Full Of Sky
Ragnarok – A. S. Byatt
The Fountainhead – Ayn Rand  ☽
The Hours – Michael Cunningham  ☽
Everything is Illuminated – Jonathan Saffran Foer
The Overstory – Richard Powers


What is a Witch – Tin Can Forest & Pam Grossman  ☽
Literary Witches – Taisia Kitaiskaia
Washeen Sherat
Rupy Raur
Mandragora – Scarlet Imprint
Serpent Songs – Sarah Anne Lawless (et al.)  ☽
Alice Nahon
Wendell Berry ☽
Rainer Maria Rilke  ☽
Theodore Roethke  ☽


Symbolism – Michael Gibson  ☽
Fatale Vrouwen – Thijs Tromp & het Groninger Museum  ☽
Alphonse Mucha
Helene Sschjerfbeck
Frida Kahlo
Artforms in The Plant World – Karl Blossfeldt
Camera Work – Alfred Stieglitz  ☽
Julia Maragret Cameron
Akseli Gallen-Kallela
John William Waterhouse
Ivan Bilibin  ☽
The Pre Raphaelites – Michael Robinson
Frantisek Kupka
Gustav Klimt

John Everett Millais

Lauren Marx  
Tin Can Forest, Pat Shewchuk & Marek Colek:  
       Baba Yaga and the Wolf
       What is a Witch
Strange Dirt, Marscha Robinson  
Aleah Chapin
Sineater, Matthew Glover  
Tamsin Abbott
India Flint:  
       Eco Colour
       Second Skin

Children’s Books

Monica Furlong:  ☽
Wise Child
Lotje (series) – Lieve Baeten
Het verhaal van de Wortelkindjes – Sybille Olfers
Nils Holgersson – Selma Lagerlöf
Astrid Lindgren:  ☽
Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter
Tomten Tales
Brothers Lionheart
Elsa Beskow
Neil Gaiman:
Sleeper and the Spindle
Odd and the Frost Giants
Sweetest Kulu – Celina Kalluk
Brons – Linda Dielemans
De verhalen van kleine Beer – Martyn Wadell & Barabara Firth
Baba Yaga and Vasalisa the Brave – Marianna Mayer & K. Y Craft
Vasalisa the Beautiful – Ivan Bilibin  ☽
The Boy, The Mole, The Fox & The Horse – Charlie Mackesy

“A witch ought never be frightened in the darkest forest, Granny Weatherwax had once told her, because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.”

– Terry Pratchett, ‘Wintersmith’

“In a dark time, the eye begins to see,
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade.
I hear my echo in the echoing wood –
A lord of nature weeping to a tree.

I live between the heron and the wren,
Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den.”

– Theodore Roethke

“Lady blackberry of the wild edges brings a power dark and defensive to the rustic practitioner. Her magics are shadowed in the between places, the disturbed grounds, the uncanny edges of the land. Blackberry briars form thorny tunnels, the purple tinged sharp canes protecting hidden creatures and sheltering many birds. This plant is not ruled by humans, it exists onto its own, forming ill-omened thickets of food and medicine, as well as arches for those seeking to perform various folk rites under its shade.”

– Corinne Boyer, ‘Under the Bramble Arch’

“Before that birth I was quite another person.I had been an intellectual maiden curled up in a chait reading T. S. Eliot and asking Prufrock’s question: “Do I dare/ Disturb the universe?” Could I write great poetry? Could I be original? The everyday miracle of birth changed my orientation in life. Like every other mother in the world, I had dared to pass through the dark gate; I had dared to bear new life. A baby was born, with ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes and a sweet little face. He was asleep now in the garden under the shade of an old elm tree. An intellectual maiden died and a woman, his mother, was emerging into life. I knew in my body the sacred connection of all human life to the female body. I had not disturbed the universe. The universe had moved through me. I was a part of everything that was alive. I had carnal knowledge of my own female nature. It would take me a full generation to find words to express what I knew then. I felt at once whole and broken, fulfilled and empty, vibrant with life and sorely wounded.”

– Naomi Ruth Lowinsky, ‘The Motherline’

“Magic doesn’t sweep you away; it gathers you up into the body of the present moment so thoroughly that all your explanations fall away: the ordinary, in all its plain and simple outrageousness, begins to shine — to become luminously, impossibly so. Every facet of the world is awake, and you within it.”

David Abram, ‘Becoming Animal’

“And she revealed to them
her beautiful mysteries,
which are impossible
to transgress,
or to pry into,
or to divulge:
for so great
is ones awe
of the gods
that it stops
the tongue.”

– Homer, ‘Hymn to Demeter’

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

– Roald Dahl

“When the grid goes down, the mythical creatures return.”

– Peter Clarke, ‘Waking Up to the Dark’

“But the shadow of Wild Woman still lurks behind us during our days and in our nights. No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed.”

– Clarissa Pinkola Estés, ‘Women Who Run ith the Wolves’

“Knowing that you love the earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the earth loves you in return, that feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street into a sacred bond.”

– Robin Wall Kimmerer, ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’

“Some people don’t understand that it is the nature of the eye to have seen forever, and the nature of the mind to recall anything that was ever known.”

Alice Walker, ‘The Temple of My Familiar’

“Daar stond een late zonnebloem
Te sterven in de leste zon;
En niemand in de wereld,
Die haar nog helpen kon.

Een menschenhand gerimpeld
En door geen werk vergroofd,
Die sneed van ‘t mager halske
Dat beu-gebogen hoofd.

En op z’n smalle vingren
Woog het van zaden zwaar.
Ze hebben elkaar bekeken
En hij werd bang van haar.

En schouwend in zich zelve,
Voelend z’n groot verval:
‘Zal ik zoo prachtig wezen,
Als God mij plukken zal?’”

– Alice Nahon, ‘Zaadmaand’

“To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.”

– Wendell Berry


Audio & Podcasts

Mother Night – Clarissa Pinkola Estés  ☽
Max Dashu on Youtube – Max Dashu ☽
Emma Restall Orr – Animism
Oh Mother, Oh Earth – Sylvia Linsteadt  ☽
Kari Tauring – The Way of the Völva
Ekhart Tolle – Epictetus
Moonlight Musings – Jade Moon
Sarah Anne Lawless – HedgeFolk Tales  ☽
Podcast – Danielle LaPorte
Why Shamanism Now – Shamanism Online  ☽
Rune Soup – Gordon White  ☽
The Hedge School – Sharon Blackie
Dream Freedom Beauty
The Witch Wave – Pam Grossmann
The Sacred Womb Podcast – Melanie Swan
Healing Wisdom – Max Dashu  ☽
Hakai Magazine – Audio Edition
Fair Folk Podcast – Danica Boyce  ☽
Druidcast – OBOD
BBC Life podcast – spotify  ☽
A Grown-up Guide to Dinosaurs – Professor Ben Garrod  ☽
Belonging Podcast – Becca Piastrelli  ☽
The Authentic Sex Podcast with Juliet Allen
In the Weeds – Nicole Asquith
Unruffled – Janet Lansbury
Annine van der Meer – Lecture “Wisdom Returning” (In English)
S-Town Podcast – Serian & This American Life  ☽
Jeanne Achterberg – Imagery in Healing (The Wounded Healer)
In Search of Black History – Bonnie Greer

Rewilding | Ancestral Skill Share


Birth Story – Ina May Gaskin  ☽
Orgasmic Birth
BBC Divine Woman
BBC Ascent of Women
The Moon Inside You
Birth As We Know It
Le Primier Cri  ☽
Burning Times
Signs Out Of Time
These Are My Hours  ☽
Things We Don’t Talk About – Deanna L’am
The Goddess Project
Feminists, What Were They Thinking
My Octopus Teacher  ☽
Griefwalker (Film) – Stephen Jenkinson  ☽
The Game Changers
The Biggest Little Farm  ☽
Kiss The Ground

Secret of Kells  ☽
Song of the Sea  ☽
The Breadwinner  ☽
Wolfwalker  ☽


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© 2022 Dajana Heremic. All content created by the artist.